They returned to Chapel Hill today for a huge celebration at the Dean Smith Center on campus. These young men made winning a national championship their goal last year and they have done it.
Michigan State is a good team but not good enough to beat the Tarheels!!
Tyler Hasbrough and Deon Thompson after the game.
Just what is a "tarheel"?
Inquiring minds want to know, especially those of us in Michigan!
Congratulations to a great team. It was wonderful to have these great games in Detroit this year and also to have MI State playing. Pretty proud of second place too. Amazing players.
so glad to hear they won-and my goodness are you the busy one with the grandchildren and your mom-family means so much. love your churn dash block
Great game. Our youngest son got his PhD from UNC.
Can a 'Tarheel' withstand a
Texas Longhorn stampede..???
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